Recent Work ✨
Battle Kitty, Spring 2022
Original score & soundtrack for Netflix’s interactive series, Battle Kitty, created by Matt & Paul Layzell
A vast, energetic soundtrack to fit the on-the-fly humor and varying locales of Netflix’s Battle Kitty. The main score features a world’s worth of varying styles, from dancier electronic music and digital fusion, to experimental soundscapes and more serious orchestral work. The interactive maps tie it all together with video game styled background music and charming custom-synthesized voice FX, tailored for each map. The Battle Kitty soundtrack release includes expanded songs, themes, and cues from the series proper, as well medleys of map music and dance numbers.
The soundtrack also features cast members Matt Layzell, and Robbie Daymond, guest musicians Adriana Figueroa, and Stemage, and mastering by Jett Galindo @ The Bakery
Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends!, Spring 2024
Original music for Catch & Release’s Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends!, a relaxing sushi-making life sim for Steam & Xbox.
A relaxing, leisurely soundtrack featuring a platter of acoustic and light electronic sounds.
EigenGauge, Spring 2024
Full original soundtrack for Blastodisk Labs’s futuristic mobile racing game, EigenGauge
A high-energy, pulsing digital score with a wide range of vibe and environment.
Casual Birder, Spring 2022
Original music & sound for Diego Garcia’s Playdate launch title, Casual Birder
A small soundtrack that features a laid-back 16-bit style, with custom 8-bit birdcalls and other SFX
Crossy Road Castle (DLC), Spring 2020 - 2023
Original music & remixes for Hipster Whale’s Apple Arcade title, Crossy Road Castle
A high-energy, playful soundtrack by Calum Bowen, with a continuing selection of themed DLC soundtracks by Max Coburn
Upcoming Work ✨
RPS Royale, 202X
Full original soundtrack for Schadenfreude’s forthcoming multiplayer game, RPS Royale
Little Hellions, now available on Steam Early Access
Contributed music for Schadenfreude’s zany 4-player arena battler, Little Hellions

Sudden Soul, 202X
Contributing to the original soundtrack for the future RPG, Sudden Soul